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Writer's pictureRob Banaszak

The "Arc" of the Covenant

What are you willing to do to release yourself from all limiting thoughts — which would enable you to manifest your what your heart desired?

Would you be willing to make a “covenant” with your deep Self, aka the Divine Within aka The Divine aka the All?

Recently, in the book The Course In Miracles Experiment, (which we currently explore each week in our Thursday evening discussion group that all are invited to attend), Author Pam Grout poses this question.

I found it quite the provocative question, since it the word “covenant” seems to have powerful, if not triggering, effects on many. At most, it may feel profound and serious. Or overwhelming or unattainable, like a “house-never-loses” wager. At the least, it may feel like jacked-up New Year’s Resolution, which we know we won’t be able to begin, let alone sustain.

But the way that Pam Grout makes her point, the bigger picture about this word became more clear to me, and I began to see its real power, way beyond the idea of jumping through hoops for a petulant diety, or making an uber-resolution that would be doomed from the start.

I began to understand the word as an act of faith between my Material Self and my Eternal Presence.

What I really have come to know about a covenant, is that it is a statement of being. It is not a causal experience, like “if I say this affirmation 30 times each day, then I will have what I claimed in my affirmation.”

Its more like a assertion of truth, like “when I choose to tap instead of spiral about an issue, then I am in the PRESENT moment, removed from the spiral of regret or worry. Its not about the cause, it is a statement of personal truth. I am not “looking” for something to happen if I behave a certain way. I am aware of what is happening with me with me when I choose an action that automatically, naturally reveals the the Present Moment, which is free from regret or worry.

So…what is the action I am willing to choose each and every time I find myself at the beginning of a anxiety spiral, or a self-flagellation? What do I KNOW brings me into the Present and frees me from the Spiral? Am I willing to make this covenant with the Divine Presence Within, which is simply to make the statement of Truth with an action that I know always reveals my Present moment?

For example, I often spiral into a feeling of panic and “stuckness” when I am around the surging creative energy of my husband or my “spiritual superfriends.” I become defensive, angsty and envious.

However, when I reflect on my most angst-ridden, despair-shackling periods of my life, I realize they usually occur when I have put aside personal creative endeavors. I have several painting and crafts projects that I love to “play” in. When I let them fall by the wayside, my experiences of “Now Moments” become shorter and less frequent, allowing the spirals to expand in scope and duration. When I make the time to engage with them on a regular or daily basis, I find they excite me, inspire me, give me a sense of personal purpose, and jump-start my positive perspective of other areas of my life.

Another realization about those times of worry or despair is that I have neglected a longtime passion for reading, especially fiction.When I am reading regularly, my imagination is activated. I experience more moments of inspiration in my day. I feel the sense of following through an intention.

My “covenant” with my Deep Presence, then, would look less like a New Year’s Resolution that might sound like “I resolve to every night before bed.” Or I will work on my project at least three times a week.”

Instead, the covenant — the “sacred understanding” that I might arrive at with my Deep Presence might knowing that when I start to feel anxiety, worry, regret or despair, beginning a new creation yanks me away from those negative feelings into a Now Moment where I am engaged, and focused, and PRESENT. And, when I am regularly engaged in one of these projects, or are deep into a wonderful book that I love, I am not even entertaining thoughts of anxiety and despair…I am instead motivated, enthusiastic and imaginative, which will lead to experiences of purpose, intention and accomplishment.

Those aren’t promises to be kept or broken, they are fundamental truths about ME, that, when I choose to know them and accept them, consistently me to a better, richer experience of my own life. When I am willing to make this Covenant with my Deep Being/Divine Presence, will naturally and completely align me with the Being that I have always longed for.

What’s your Covenant with You? What action/thought/experience are you willing to engage with during times of confusion, despair, or even joy and celebration, that you know beyond doubt brings you to awareness of the world and your power to be the You you desire to be?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, stories, challenges and experiences of a Covenant in your own life, that you have made, or are making. Share them in the comments here, or send me an email at

It's your (story)Arc of your Coven

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