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Writer's pictureRob Banaszak

All Souls Means ALL SOULS(Including Ours)!

Today (November 2) is the Catholic holiday of All Souls Day,

honoring those who have died and gone to the "heaven" that Catholics believe in. November 2 also the concludes the two-day Mexican celebration of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which honors all ancestors in Spirit with prayers and remembrance.

Regardless of our faith or spiritual practice, I have always been comforted by this opportunity to reflect on the family and friends who shaped my life but are no longer here on this Earth plane. If you've seen the animated Disney movie Coco, you have seen a gloriously beautiful expression of Dia de los Muertos as the way to honor not just those whom we have known in our lifetime, but also our entire ancestral line, without which we would not be.

But why stop there, really? As a believer in the abstract idea that we are all "Souls" that exist beyond this earth life, why not have a few moments in which we honor, pray for, and, yes, LOVE, all of the Souls that have led us here to our current moment, both dead AND still living among us? And when I say ALL souls, I mean ALL souls! Even those we may not understand, or want to be around, or even like. Because ALL SOULS are part of the ALL THAT IS...

Sure, this expansive view of this day might mean going beyond our comfort zones to include and honor ALL SOULS, alive or dead.

Even those we would rather not think about. But on this All Soul's Day/Dia de los Muertos 2022, I think we might be able to give it a go, don't you?

And guess what? That includes YOUR SOUL! Yes, YOUR SOUL is part of All Souls. So give it a nice prayer and a proper honor, why don't you?

Today I honor you, my fellow Spiritual Spinners. Thank you for incarnating on this plane and making my life more beautiful than it would have been without your soul in it.

Now, won't you join me as we reflect on our family ancestry, and our human ancestry, and, if you can expand just a bit more, our "other worldly" or extra-terrestrial ancestry, all of whom are part of the magnificent Universe, as it was then, is now, and ever shall be - a connected, collective, expansive, individualized - Being without end.

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